
Working papers

Making the Invisible Hand Visible: Managers and the Allocation of Workers to Jobs
November 2024, Working Paper | [Abstract] | [PDF] | [Supplementary Materials]

Revise and Resubmit, Quarterly Journal of Economics

Best Job Market Paper Award by the European Economic Association and UniCredit Foundation, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Dissertation Award Honorable Mention, AIEL Labor Dissertation Prize, Ronald Coase Best Dissertation Award by the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics

Coverage: The Visible Hand Podcast, Econimate, The Economist

Leaders in Social Movements: Evidence from Unions in Myanmar
(with Laura Boudreau, Rocco Macchiavello, and Mari Tanaka)
November 2024, Working Paper | [Abstract]| [PDF] | [Supplementary Materials]

Conditionally Accepted, American Economic Review

Coverage: VoxDev Column, J-PAL Summary, Faculti Video

Gender Gaps across the Spectrum of Development: Local Talent and Firm Productivity
(with Nava Ashraf, Oriana Bandiera, and Victor Quintas-Martinez)
December 2024, Working Paper |[Abstract]| [PDF]

Coverage: Financial Times, The Economist, The Times, Marginal Revolution

Meaning at Work
(with Nava Ashraf, Oriana Bandiera and Luigi Zingales)
September 2024, Working Paper | [Abstract]| [PDF]

Coverage: The Economist

Non-refereed publications

Global Managers, Local Workers: Wage Setting Inside a Multinational Firm
AEA Papers & Proceedings (2024), 114: 586-91 | [Abstract]| [PDF]

Selected work in progress

Managers and the Cultural Transmission of Gender Norms
(with Kieu-Trang Nguyen and Heather Sarsons)

Unemployment, Volunteering, and Re-envisioning the Nature of Work
(with Nava Ashraf, Oriana Bandiera, and Martina Zanella)